Monday, 29 July 2013

Friday 29th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Stations for Collision Quarters

General Quarters. Man & Arm Ship / in fournoon
Stations for Collision Quarters & Cut Collision Mat speed 7 knt

Thursday 28th July 1898 aired bedding

Aired Bedding read Articles of War & Returns

Wednesday 27th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Passed through Barrier Reef

Weighed anchor and proceeded to Gavatu 8.30
sighted Fitzroy? Passage (Grafton passage) 9.0am passed through Barrier
Reef usual Sea Routine Stations Man & Arm Boats

Tuesday 26th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Finished Coaling

Finished coaling 3pm 150 tons, proceeded down river
4:30 pm dropped anchor for the night.

Monday 25th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Coaling. Wallaby and a Goat!

Started coaling ship received a Wallaby for the
Ships Company to make a pet off, presented by the naval

Brigade, one of the men forward managed to smuggle a small
goat on board and we put in a request to keep it with
out disclosing how it came on board.

Sunday 24th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Tea with the Warrens of Strood

The ships company landed for Church, the band
of Queensland Naval Brigade met us on the landing stage
where we formed up, then marche doff their band playing
to and from the church, went on shore in the afternoon to tea
to some friends that belonged to Strood outside Chatham
of the name of Warren was treated very kindly.

Saturday 23rd July 1898 HMS Mohawk Cairns vs Townsville

Returned on board 8am rather done up usual
routine obtained leave and went on shore in afternoon
to see football match between Cairns & Townsville re-
sulted in a win to Townsville 3 pts to nils

Friday 22nd July 1898 HMS Mohawk 24hrs Leave Dinner at the Lord Wolsely Dancing at Court House

Went on shore for 24 hours leave had a very enjoy-
able time had a trip out and went for a drive put up at the
Lord Wolsely about seven miles out of Cairns had dinner
and then had a good drive out in the country returned back
to Cairns 6 o Clock went to Dance held at the Court House
given by the Queensland Naval Brigade, dancing up till
3 in the morning.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Thursday 21st July 1898 HMS Mohawk Painting Ship Coasting Steamer with gear arrived

Painting ship & refitting gear diving chest &
pump arrived from Sydney by coasting steamer received orders to
proceed to Tucopia to try to recover anchor and the gear that
we had lost.

Wednesday 20th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Starboard Watch on leave

Port Watch returned off leave 8am Starboard
Watch went on their long leave 1 pm

Tuesday 19th July 1898 HMs Mohawk Port Watch on leave

Watch on board painting ship, Port watch still on

Monday 18th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Horse riding for shore leave

Started cleaning ship ready for painting, watch on
shore enjoying themselves very well indeed Horse riding
being the general amusement the inhabitants was very
kind and hospitable to us, and took a lot of trouble in
making us welcome.

Sunday 17th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Port Watch 72hrs leave

Usual Sunday Routine held Divine Service on board
1.0 o'clock Port Watch went on shore for 72 hours leave

Saturday 16th July 1898 arriving Cairns flying Signals for Pilot Corrugated houses

3.30am dropped anchor outside Cairns, 8:30 got
up anchor and proceeded up harbour flying signals for a pilot, 09:30
arrived by 1st Beacon weather misty the signals could not be seen
and the pilot not coming off we had to drop anchor again 10:30
pilot came off but it was then too late to proceed as their
was not enough water on the bar for us to cross, 4,30pm
got up anchor and proceeded up harbour only just enough wa-
ter on the Bar then all hands had to get right forward in the
eyes of the ship to bring her stern up 6pm moored ship off
Cairns a very picturesque looking place surrounded by Moun
 tains all the houses are built of corrugated Iron except only a
few of the new building which have a skeleton frame of
Brick work all the inside of wood.

Friday 15th July 1898 HMS Mohawk usual Sea Routine

Proceeded 6am usual Sea Routine weather moderating
continued steaming through the night so as to catch the tide

Thursday 14th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Captains Round hunts out stowed curios

Proceeded 6am weather still very rough, Captain
went the rounds and foraged out all our curios that we had
got stowed away, I had to do away with very good model of a
War Canoe covered with small shells and let in with mother
of pearl, I got it at the Island of Malanta a lot more besides
me had to do the same thing the ship was full of all sorts
of rubbish, which the men had got stowed away and
he has make no difference between us, the decent curios had
the same fate as the rubbish, was thrown overboard anchor
ed off Cooktown 11 pm went to night quarters.

Wednesday 13th July 1898 HMS Mohawk

Proceeded usual routine 6:30 pm anchored
for night blowing very hard.

Tuesday 12th July 1898 HMS Mohawk met HMS Dart Surveying Reef

Proceeded some speed very busy day stock taking
Wardroom Mess Stores 6pm met H.M.S. Dart surveying
the Barrier Reef & Queensland Coast, Captain and Officers of
Dart came on board and stayed to Dinner two of our own
Officers went back with them and brought back a mail
for posting when we arrived at Cairns.

Monday 11th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Blowing Heavy 6 knots

Proceeded at 6 knots blowing very heavy anchor -
ed at 6:30pm

Sunday 10th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Sunday Routine 6 knots

6am proceeded at 6 knots usual Sunday
Routine anchored at 4pm

Saturday 9th July 1898 HMS Mohawk

Weighed anchor and proceeded to sea shaped
our course course for Cairns going doing inside Barrier reef 7pm anchor-
ed for night very few land marks Navigation extremely dan-
gerous at night time

Friday 8th July 1898 HMS Mohawk General Quarters Prepared Ship for Sea

General Quarters prepared ship for Sea in afternoon

Thursday 7th July 1898 HMS Mohawk Football score 0;0

Mayor and Principle inhabitants came off
to call on the Captain and asked him to give the men leave as they
wanted to fete & entertain them on shore, the captain replied
that it could not be managed as he had received orders from the
admiral to proceed to the Main Land for the express purpose of
giving long leave, went on shore in afternoon  played the return
match with the artillery resulted in a draw no goals being got on either side
remained on shore till 7 o'clock following had a very pleasant evening
indeed up at the Artillery Quarters ) dancing and singing being in
full swing.